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The 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 is committed to fostering a culture of prevention and awareness around sexual misconduct and gender equity. Mandatory trainings covering Title IX topics are required for all student, 教师, 在员工入职过程中, 包括迎新活动.

另外, 第九条办公室的团队, 学生领袖, and other community members lead interactive outreach efforts throughout the year to help educate the University community on prevention, 创建同意文化, 做一个坏旁观者, 如何支持朋友, understanding the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s 政策 on sexual misconduct and Title IX, 以及相关话题.

The University regularly invites partners from organizations with expertise on these topics to lead educational programming. 项目包括 夺回夜晚、工作坊、电影放映、 晾衣绳计划, 走一英里, 今天是美国国家宣誓日, 奖章领导力课程,以及资料表.





The 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 is committed to fostering a culture of prevention and awareness around sexual misconduct and gender equity. 我们与 得到包容 to provide online training that is required for all first-year under澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生, and transfer students at the University that covers Title IX and other topics. 这些培训课程, 除了具有高度的互动性和吸引力之外, are based on research around the best practices for healthy communities. This training is issued each fall and spring semester to all new students.


In compliance with the New York State Education Law Article 129-B, 所有澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的学生运动员, Student Leaders and officers of student organizations are required to complete training on domestic violence, 约会暴力, 跟踪, 或者性侵犯预防, 这是由一家叫做 得到包容,每学年.


遵守纽约州劳动法, all employees of the University are required to take Harassment Prevention 培训 and Title IX 培训 via MyPath issued by Human Resources. The course provides interactive scenarios and examples of harassment and discrimination and it encourages all of us to be active in ending these harmful behaviors. This course also includes reminders of existing laws and University policies and systems that address these complex issues. 这是对全体员工的年度培训.


The Title IX Office offers educational programming for student groups, 部门, 组织应要求. Programs can be tailored to fit your needs or you may pick from the programs below. Program requests can be made by filling out the online 教育规划 Request Form. 请允许安排两周的时间. Note: It is the responsibility of the person requesting the training to secure a location. 以下是一些已经在校园提供的讲习班, 有些课程是面对面提供的,有些则是在线提供的.


拆解不当性行为(奖章计划)- 60分钟

Revisit and expand on your sexual misconduct training from your first year by discussing how you can be leaders in preventing sexual assault and promoting a safe, 为自己营造一个自愿的环境, 朋友, 和社区. It’s on all of us to prevent sexual misconduct at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 and wherever our journey in life takes us.

坏蛋 Bystander(奖章计划)- 150分钟

采取额外的步骤来授权和保护自己, 朋友, 和社区成员成为一个坏旁观者! 利用角色扮演, participants will be observing a potentially harmful situation, 而不是做被动的旁观者, they will utilize skills to be active bystanders who take action to interrupt harm and generate positive actions by others. This program will help participants gain crucial skills to take action and start an effective conversation to address and prevent instances of sexual misconduct. 作为一个 坏蛋 意味着 B意赢互动 A器皿, Deciding来 Act, SS不久 (Catchphrase borrowed with permission from Colorado College).

第九章复习- 60分钟

本课程是对教育法第九条的概述, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场’s Student Sexual Misconduct Policy and the basics of prevention on campus. Great introduction to what the Title IX process is like and what the expectations are for our community.

支持你的朋友和你自己- 60分钟

This program focuses more on the process after sexual misconduct has occurred and covers the basics of making a report and the options that one has both on and off campus.

性行为不端危险! - 90分钟

Gather your 朋友 together for a fun and educational sexual misconduct jeopardy game! 告诉我们分类,亚历克斯·特雷贝克! - Yes 意味着 Yes, Bye Bye Bystander, Hashtags#, Myth or Fact, Show Me the Numbers and Title IX Galore.

负责员工培训- 60分钟

This training will meet the requirements for student staff or professional staff who work with students at the University and are considered responsible employees per the SSMP and Title IX policies. Whether you are a new hire or your Department needs annual training on reporting obligations and steps to take, 这将涵盖这些要求.



Are you 教师 or staff who can’t make it to class and are considering canceling it? 不要取消那门课! 作为取消课程的另一个选择, let the Title IX Office present to your students and take advantage of your valuable class time!

请求不要取消那门课! 会话     


If you disclose a situation through a public awareness event such as “夺回夜晚”, 烛光守夜, 抗议活动, 学生组织或其他活动或论坛, 或其他公共活动, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 is not obligated to begin an investigation. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 may use the information you provided to inform the need for additional education and prevention efforts.

第九条人员的培训材料:第106条.45 (b) (1) (3) & § 106.45 (b) (10) (i) (D)  

Pursuant to Federal Title IX regulations any investigators, 决策者, 第九章协调员, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process will, 当担任这样的角色时, 接受培训,担当起这个角色. These individuals must participate in training on the definition of sexual harassment in § 106.30, the scope of the recipient’s education program or activity, how to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, 上诉, 非正式的解决过程, 是适用的, 以及如何公正地服务, 包括避免对争议事实的预先判断, 利益冲突, 和偏见. Decision-makers must receive training on any technology to be used at a live hearing, 以及问题和证据的相关性, including when questions and evidence about a complainant's sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant. 调查人员 must receive training on issues of relevance to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence.



哈特秘密 & 金刚砂LLP)
参加者:Title IX协调员

哈特秘密 & 金刚砂LLP)
与会者:调查人员, 决策者, 第九条协调员和副协调员, 第九章办公室职员和人员, 协助非正式解决程序的人员, 律师办公室.

ATIXA -第九条管理人员协会
11/3/2020, 11/10/2020, 11/17/2020


哈特秘密 & 金刚砂LLP)
与会者:调查人员, 决策者, 第九条协调员, 协助非正式解决程序的人员, 律师办公室.

2022, 2023, 2024


调查人员, 决策者, 第九条协调员和副协调员, 第九章办公室职员和人员, 协助非正式解决程序的人员, 律师办公室.