
Academic Progress (AS&E Undergraduates)

跟踪你的学业进展是很重要的,以确保你能如期毕业. To do this we’ve created a Self-Assessment Tool (pdf),它可以帮助你跟踪你已完成和未完成的工作, 并对你需要了解的大学政策给予重要提醒.

为了完成自我评估工具,您需要查看您在UR Student上的信息. The Self-Assessment Instructions (pdf) will step you through this process, 告诉你在哪里可以找到UR学生的所有信息,以及在哪里填写表格.

Questions? We’ve pulled together a list of Frequently Asked Questions (pdf), to help answer them. 如果你的问题没有答案,你也可以 contact the Office of the Registrar.

Application for Graduation


  • Arts, Sciences & Engineering (AS&E) – All students
  • 博士候选人-所有学院(不包括SMD和MD)
  • School of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Warner School of Education


What is Application for Graduation?

毕业申请通知大学注册办公室,你计划何时完成学位要求. 该申请启动了审查和更新学生记录的过程,并确保您收到有关学位进展和毕业典礼的重要更新. 毕业申请也是一个提供你的名字的机会,因为你希望它出现在毕业证书和毕业典礼簿上,以及你希望邮寄毕业证书的地址.

Who is eligible to apply for graduation?

Undergraduate students in AS&E
BA/BS: Earned a minimum of 88 credit hours

Graduate students in AS&E
ACRT: Anytime during Matriculation
MS/MA: Earned a minimum of 20 credit hours

PhD candidates across all schools 在教务处收到正式的院长结业信后,是否有资格申请毕业.

School of Medicine and Dentistry
ACRT: Anytime during matriculation
MPH: Earned a minimum of 30 credit hours
MA: Earned a minimum of 15 credit hours

Warner School of Education
ACRT: Anytime during matriculation
MS/MAT: Earned a minimum of 18 credit hours
EdD: Earned a minimum of 48 credit hours

How do I apply for graduation?

If you are eligible, you can use the Application for Graduation form.

Deadline to Apply
Graduation TermConferral MonthApplication Deadline
Spring (Graduate level only)MarchJanuary 15
SpringMayApril 1
SummerAugustJuly 15
Fall (Graduate level only)OctoberAugust 15
FallDecemberNovember 15

毕业申请必须在你计划参加毕业典礼的那一年的4月1日或之前提交,这样你的名字才能出现在毕业典礼簿上. 不提交毕业申请可能会延迟学位的授予. 未收到毕业申请的, 毕业证书将以合法的姓名颁发,并邮寄到在UR Student中记录的主要家庭住址.

When should I apply for graduation?

一旦你收到关于你的资格的通知, 我们鼓励你尽快提交申请——即使你不确定你什么时候毕业!  学生应在毕业申请中选择与他们能完成学位要求的最早学期一致的学期. 


如果出于某种原因,你需要更新你希望完成学位要求的学期,而不是你在申请中确定的学期, you will need to fill out the Expected Completion Date Change Form. 我们会将您在UR Student中的预期完成日期更新为与您收到此请求时选择的学期一致的日期. If you are not sure which term to select, 或者你没有资格申请,但需要讨论改变你的预期完成日期,请咨询你的学校注册办公室.



如果您需要更改您最初提交的文凭名称或文凭邮寄地址,您可以在申请截止日期之前的任何时间在UR Student中进行更改. 按照以下说明在您的正式记录中添加/更新文凭名称或文凭地址:

Who is eligible to participate in commencement?

计划在学年(秋季)内完成学位要求的学生, spring, 有资格参加当年的毕业典礼. 请向您的学术顾问或学校注册主任咨询您的资格. 本政策的例外情况可以由你所在学校的院长或注册主任批准.

See the Commencement Eligibility Policy page for more information.

Degree Conferral


  • Their status in UR Student will change
  • Their degree will be voted on by the board
  • Degrees will officially be posted
  • Diplomas will be mailed

2023-2024 Degree Certification Calendar

Fall 2023
September 20Conferral candidates set to Pending Completion
October 2-4Faculty vote (AS&E ONLY)
October 5-6Board of Trustees Meeting
October 6Mid-Semester Conferral Date
October 20将学位记录到学生档案中,并订购文凭
December 1Conferral candidates set to Pending Completion
December 5-7Faculty vote (AS&E ONLY)
December 8Board of Trustees Meeting
December 31Conferral Date
January 3最终部门行动清单在上午10点发给各部门.m. (AS&E ONLY)
January 12最终部门行动清单将于午夜从各部门退回&E ONLY)
January 19将学位记录到学生档案中,并订购文凭
Spring 2024
January 30Conferral candidates set to Pending Completion
February 12-14Faculty vote (AS&E ONLY)
February 15-16Board of Trustees Meeting
March 1Mid-Semester Conferral Date
March 15将学位记录到学生档案中,并订购文凭
April 30Conferral candidates set to Pending Completion
May 13-15Faculty vote (AS&E ONLY)
May 16-17Board of Trustees Meeting
May 17Conferral Date
May 20最终部门行动清单在上午10点发给各部门.m. (AS&E ONLY)
May 24最终部门行动清单将于午夜从各部门退回&E ONLY)
June 7将学位记录到学生档案中,并订购文凭
Summer 2024
8/2/24Conferral candidates set to Pending Completion
8/6 - 8/8Faculty vote (AS&E ONLY)
8/9/24Board of Trustees Meeting
8/31/24Conferral Date
9/2/24最终部门行动清单在上午10点发给各部门.m. (AS&E ONLY)
9/9/24最终部门行动清单将于午夜从各部门退回&E ONLY)
9/13/24将学位记录到学生档案中,并订购文凭 在此日期之后清除的学位将有资格在下一个可用的授予日期
Fall 2024
9/6/2024Conferral candidates set to Pending Completion
9/24 - 9/26Faculty vote (AS&E ONLY)
9/26 - 9/27/24Board of Trustees Meeting
10/4/2023Mid-Semester Conferral Date
10/18/2024将学位记录到学生档案中,并订购文凭 在此日期之后清除的学位将有资格在下一个可用的授予日期
12/3/2024Conferral candidates set to Pending Completion
12/3 - 12/5Faculty vote (AS&E ONLY)
12/6/2024Board of Trustees Meeting
12/31/2024Conferral Date
1/1/2024最终部门行动清单在上午10点发给各部门.m. (AS&E ONLY)
1/10/2025最终部门行动清单将于午夜从各部门退回&E ONLY)
1/17/2025将学位记录到学生档案中,并订购文凭 在此日期之后清除的学位将有资格在下一个可用的授予日期