拉丁美洲澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 Minor

The minor in Latin American studies gives students a broad view of Latin American cultures and their relations to the United States and the rest of the world.


A total of five courses related to Latin American people, 他们的语言, and their cultures are required for the minor.

  • Two courses must be taken from different areas, 比如人类学, 业务, 经济学, 历史, international relations, 政治科学, 葡萄牙语, 宗教, 或西班牙语.
  • The division of the minor (humanities or social sciences) will be that in which the student takes three courses.
  • Up to two study-abroad courses may count toward the minor with the approval of the student's advisor for the minor.
  • In order for a course to qualify for the minor, roughly 50 percent of the course must feature content relating to Latin America in the terms described in this document.
  • A student may petition for a specific course to be counted toward the minor, even if it has not been previously identified as a Latin American studies course. The student must turn in a syllabus for the course to be considered. The program coordinator will determine whether the course will count as listed or if specific Latin America-related research is required.
  • The minor must be approved by the designated program coordinator.

Prerequisite: Students must complete SPAN 151 and 152, SP 153, or PORT 151 and 152. Students who are placed in SPAN 200 may use that course as their language prerequisite.

看到 拉丁美洲澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 course information PDF for a list of courses that will automatically count toward the five courses needed to satisfy the minor as well as other courses that can be approved for minor with a research focus in the region.


莫莉C. 球,历史讲师 (social science, economic 历史), mollycball@罗彻斯特.edu


莫莉C. 球,历史讲师 (social science, economic 历史)

雷切尔奥唐纳, assistant professor in the Writing, 说话, and Argument Program (social science/humanities, Central American feminism)

瑞安普兰德加斯特, associate professor of Spanish (humanities, sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spanish literature)

帕布罗·塞拉·席尔瓦, associate professor of 历史 (social science, colonial 历史)

Vialcary Crisóstomo Tejada, assistant professor of Spanish (humanities, Caribbean literature and decolonial feminism)


玛雅Abtahian, assistant professor of linguistics

拉奎尔居多, assistant professor of Spanish

莫莉C. 球,历史讲师

斯蒂芬妮包蒂斯塔, visiting assistant professor of 宗教 and classics; archaeology, 技术, and historical structures

安德鲁Cashner, assistant professor of music (AS&E)

加斯顿肖蒙, assistant professor of 经济学

杰克丹尼, associate professor of Catholic studies (宗教 and classics)

约瑟夫Inikori, professor of 历史 and African and African-American studies

鲁本弗洛, associate professor of 历史

安德森弗雷, assistant professor of 政治科学

格雷琴赫姆基, professor of 政治科学

贝丝约根森, professor emeritus of Spanish

雷切尔奥唐纳, assistant professor in the Writing, 说话, and Argument Program

瑞安普兰德加斯特, associate professor of Spanish

丹尼尔Reichman, associate professor of anthropology

Raúl Rodríguez-Hernández, associate professor of Spanish and comparative literature; film and media studies

Luisa-Maria Rojas-Rimachi, associate professor of instruction in Spanish and language education

托德•罗素, adjunct instructor in the Program of Dance and Movement

克劳迪娅Schaefer, professor of Spanish and comparative literature; film and media studies

帕布罗·塞拉·席尔瓦, associate professor of 历史

特蕾莎修女瓦尔迪兹, head of the 葡萄牙语 program, director of the Language Center